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Whether you’re already retired or years away, you can feel more confident in your planning with guaranteed income from a fixed or variable annuity. An annuity can help provide a steady stream of income in retirement—which may help you maintain your standard of living and pursue the retirement lifestyle you want. Choose from fixed annuities with a stated payout rate, or variable annuities with a return based on market performance. Variable annuities offer tax-deferred growth potential, meaning investors pay no taxes on the earnings from the investments in the account until they receive payments or make withdrawals.

Benefits of investing in annuities:

  • The only investment product that can provide guaranteed income for life, Annuities are contracts between investors and insurance companies.
  • Most annuities can grow tax-deferred and then provide regular payments for a set time period or for life.
  • Some annuities make the same payment no matter what happens in the market.
  • You can receive a steady stream of income, which can help you maintain your standard of living and enjoy the lifestyle you want.